a list of stuff i wonder about:
are there any female sperm whales?
if you're a gay homo, does that make you straight?
what happens when a portopotty flips over?
is shitpit a funny word?
will Harrry potter ever be continued?
if a tree falls in the forest while no one's around, and it falls on a deer, does anyone care?
is hell in earth's core?
is ziggy stardust a good baby name?
*i will be updating this if i wonder about anything else?
here's some funny stuff i thought up about what to do in an elevator.
-stare at your watch and then say "when is that thing gonna go off?"
-bring an empty instrument case on board and then open it slightly and cast wary glances at the people around you.
-place your headphones on your shoulders and play heavy metal at full volume.
-squirt ketchup on your stomach or some body part and limp onto the elevator and say "get this damn thing running! he's right behind me!"
-lean over to another person and whisper "i have a gun" and giggle.
-sit in a corner and start shaking, whispering in a terrified voice "make them go away! they're on here!"
*i'll think of more later.*
1- yes
2- uh... yes... I suppose
3- makes a mess
4- depends on context
5- possibly, but not with Harry Potter as the main character. J.K. Rowling talked about making a spinoff with either Ron, Hermione or the Weasley twins as the main character(s).
6- I do... the meat will be spoiled, and venison tastes good
7- no different dimension
8- no
thanks, i wanted to see your guyses responses.