last night, i plugged my ipod into the cp and put 3 songs onto it. i got up into my room and noticed that every last song i had on there,a long with my vids, were gone. it wasnt formatted because my pictures and alarms were still there. when i looked under "about" it told me i still had 3.7 gigs of "other" on my ipod. which probably meant something got changed.
so i had to restore my ipod to it's original status. it was only then that i realized, not only my music from my ipod had disappeared, but most of my music had corrupted from itunes itself. it was still on there, but when i tried to play it it gave me the little exclamation point. i dont buy my songs off of itunes so i dont know what's wrong.
can anyone help?
Haha, the computor raped your Ipod and gave it computer crabs!
gah, fuck. now i've only got like 5 artists on there.