if it werent for the quality of your sellers and products, i woulda used Ebay a long time ago.
Something tells me I should get back on NG and make more friends. >_>
Age 30, Male
Furry. Yup.
Joined on 5/17/08
Posted by sniperleader1337 - January 15th, 2010
if it werent for the quality of your sellers and products, i woulda used Ebay a long time ago.
Wow. Two weeks of hell.
Do i sense sarcasm? yes i do.
but yes, it was two weeks of HELL.
No sarcasm. Just amazement.
So have you accepted the physical world as it is, or do you think there is any hope?
i do not accept the physical world and i believe there is NO hope whatsoever. i'm just a majorly depressed sophomore in high school wishing he could go into a coma just to dream more fiction.
Holy crap. I see a glimpse of hope that flickers like a candle ina glass jar with one tiny hole. So you have seen the physical world, but you prefer fiction.
yes sir. that's why i write and draw whenever i am mentally stable. i have an impossibly hard time concentrating on things i want to do.
Don't we all. It's the human condition.
bah says the sheep.
teh arfenlulz.
What did they do?
i ordered a shirt on the 3rd and they just shipped it on the 13th. i had my hopes up for nearly two weeks.